It’s Gonna be Great, Copeland Gallery
19 – 21 May 2017

A totally amazing exhibition specially curated for the beautiful Peckham 24 Festival by Lewis Bush (failing) and Mark Duffy (dishonest) in a bid to make Peckham great again! IT’S GONNA BE GREAT! showcased the heartfelt outpourings of the British people in response to the election of President Donald Trump (a really fantastic guy, all his friends say so).

It featured Alison Jackson (definitely not a loser!) and her photographs of Trump lookalikes in compromising situations. Alongside her were Peter Kennard and Cat Phillipps (great people!) with a new large-scale photomontage of Trump. Last but not least was British-based American artist Jessica Harby (just fantastic!) with her installation Referendum (Tell Me How Do You Feel) which asks you to vote on the artist’s citizenship. Also on display are a collection of protest signs hand made by participants in numerous anti-Trump demonstrations (illegal!). IT’S GONNA BE GREAT! was great, completely unpresidented. No one curates exhibitions like we do, all our friends say so. It was fantastic, just really fantastic. We had the biggest private view in history. Anyone who disagrees is a dishonest loser and will make us really mad. Also, China.