Very Now, London College of Communication
11th July – 12th August 2016
Co-curated with Max Houghton to coincide with the college’s Festival of Art and Journalism, Very Now highlighted the intersection of these two fields with works from an array of artists who blend the conceptual strategies and modes of dissemination of art with the timeliness and real world concerns of journalism. Very Now included works by Jeremy Deller, Edmund Clark, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, Peter Kennard and Cat Phillips, Laura El-Tantawy, David Birkin, and Lewis Bush. Displayed alongside pieces by these artists and photographers were projects by groups of UAL students who worked reactively to produce new work on the theme of art and journalism. These projects included a reactive photograph which dynamically responds to viewer comments, an animation about insect sized drones and a large scale display of slides from NSA documents leaked by Edward Snowden.


David Birkin

David Birkin

Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin

Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin

Lewis Bush

Edmund Clark

Laura El-Tantawy